Author: Xavier Langlat


Build a HelloWorld ChatBot with Dialogflow

In this tutorial, we will try to build the most basic ChatBot with Dialogflow. Dialogflog (formerly Speaktoit) is a Google owned company. Their technologies are centered around Human-Computer interactions. They provide an SDK for...

Ionic logo 0

Ionic Framework Hello Word Tutorial

This tutorial will guide you through the process of installing and starting a new Ionic project. Install Node.js Download and install the latest version from the Node.js website.   Install Cordova and Ionic


Javascript Fetch API 1

Javascript Fetch API Rest Web Service Example

This article will introduce the Javascript Fetch API, and use it in some code samples to consume Web Services. The Javascript Fetch API The Javascript new Fetch API provides an interface for fetching resources....

Java EE Jakarta 1

Java EE is dead, Long Live Jakarta EE

The Context First, let’s go back a few months when Oracle has moved Java EE to the Eclipse foundation, via the EE4J project. A really good move for developers and for the Open Source...


Java Spring Boot Rest Example

In this tutorial, we will build a simple Rest Web Service with Spring Boot. 1. Project Init a) With Spring Tool Suite or Spring Tools in Eclipse New Spring Starter Project Project Configuration Wizard...


Change Spring Boot Server Port

How to change the server port in a Spring Boot Application In the file The configuration key is server.port and the default value is 8080 server.port=8080 Xavier LanglatXavier is a Freelance Innovation Solutions...